Having looked well into the Spirit, I saw the Lord covering you with His armour for victory. What battle has been looming around you since 2023 or since the year began? It is time to conquer by taking up the whole armour of God.
I pray for you: “By the hand of El Elyon-The Most High, you shall be higher than your adversaries. This month, may God’s Armour of Light sustain the victory that is already yours. I release the canopy of the Lord over you, may He cause you to grow in love for Him, and abide under the shadow of His grace.
You shall not be put to shame, rather, that Good news that will put a spring in your steps this month will locate you speedily in Jesus Name. Amen!
Time: 8:15 GMT+1
Time: 7pm GMT+1
Gospel Pillars Int’l Church Lag HQ 1015224331 Zenith Bank
Isaiah wealth Ministry Program
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Isaiah wealth Ministry Crusade
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Gospel pillars Int’l Operations
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Isaiah Wealth Ministry
Guaranty Trust Bank
The Isaiah wealth Initiative
The Isaiah wealth Initiative Children
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The Isaiah wealth Initiative Hospital and Prison
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